Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Understanding The Concept of Pay Per Click Marketing

Pay per Click is essentially an auction to get your advert shown on the search results pages based upon specific keywords. Search engines call these advert sponsored links or sponsored ads and they appear above and to the side of natural search results.

As it's an auction it is governed by the relevant advertising rules and regulations for your region. Search engines take into account several factors and then arrive at a Quality Score (or Quality Index for Yahoo!). The score is then assigned a minimum starting bid which is the least you have to pay to be in with a chance of getting your advert shown, which is called the Cost per Click (CPC). Adverts are then ranked using the following formula:

Rank = Maximum cost per click bid x Quality Score

How is Quality Score calculated?

No search engine has published their exact formula for arriving at a quality score, however they have indicated the following factors influence the score:

Click-through rate (aka: CTR) - how often has you advert been clicked on in the past?

Relevance of ad text - is the text contained in your advert relevant to what search the user has performed?

Historical keyword performance - how well has the chosen keywords performed in the past?

In addition, other smaller factors also come into play such as geographic region for where the advert will be placed and how quickly your page loads in a browser. A good company offering PPC services should know this.


4 key elements make up good PPC services: keywords, content, landing page and budget.

Keywords: Having already considered this as part of your natural search approach, you should look to use the same or similar keywords to ensure your advert gets best placement. Generic terms will cost more but will also drive more traffic, whereas brand keywords will convert better.

Content: How you weave your keywords into a compelling advert is essential. Remember it is an advert so should be short and punchy to draw the user into clicking it. Content is the block of text in between the primary link and the website address.

Landing page: The page the user sees once they have clicked on our advert is as important as the advert itself. You need to maintain the momentum you've generated through the advert and bring people along on your journey into a specific and prominent call to action.

Budget: The amount of money you have available to put towards this campaign. In many respects you should consider the budget allocation as you would for any traditional marketing campaign, but bear in mind you could end up paying loads if your advert is a huge success!


There's a whole range of benefits for doing pay per click advertising over more traditional advertising methods, but essentially there are 5 key advantages:

Scalable: the scale of you campaign is limited only by your budget and can be deployed to a number of search engines for maximum breadth. It is important however to identify and stick to your budget as this will allow you to compare different PPC services and allow you to measure a return on investment for each campaign.

Tactical: pay per click is much more responsive than natural search as you can make immediate changes to your adverts that yield instant results. This means you can make changes on the fly to take into account learning made early into a campaign or changes to the market around you.

Informative: you get to decide what your advert says, within the limits set by each search engine, meaning you advert can describe exactly what you want the customer to do or see.

Measurable: in addition to the budgetary controls, you can set targets and goals for the campaign. Such targets may include a certain number of clicks on the advert, how many people follow-through top your call to action or how many people buy the product your selling.

Controllable: you can control the user experience via well thought-out copy and a great landing page.

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A Few Tips on Boosting Your Pay Per Click (PPC) Traffic

Increasing your pay per click (PPC) traffic and optimising your PPC campaign is a common problem for anyone who is trying to get the biggest bang for their buck. A poorly run pay per click campaign can haemorrhage money whilst simultaneously bring in the wrong kind of traffic.

This can be due to many different reasons and it is not easy to get on top of things by just following the available procedures. You need skill, experience and professionalism to create and manage a tightly run PPC campaign. In this article I will share a few key insights that can help contribute towards you achieving a much more optimal campaign.

Conduct your research - Proper market research will help you reach your target market in the easiest way. It's incredibly important to know as much as possible about your prospective customers and their online behaviours. Everything you find out will contribute to effectiveness of your pay per click campaign. Keyword Research - Getting to Know your audience with proper research will give you an overall idea of how they would reach your website. On top of that you absolutely must conduct keyword research. Use a keyword research tool such as the one provided by Google to determine the most effective keywords for your pay per click campaign. Doing this will help you determine where to put your resources and help the long term effectiveness of your campaign. Create Suitable Adverts - Your PPC adverts should be intimately based on your keyword list. This is important if you want to maximise the amount of targeted traffic you receive for the money you spend. just as important is to remember that your ads should be a short, sharp, informative, sales message. Once your avert is in the right place you still have to capture the attention of your audience. Planning Your Budget - Your budget will help you decide on the amount you are willing to pay for every targeted click you receive. Most people opt for a daily budget which can assist you in spreading your overall budget across a timeframe. This is especially useful if you have little experience of running an efficient pay per click campaign. Monitor Your Campaign - Weekly, daily or even hourly monitoring of your PPC campaign is incredibly important in your pursuit for an increased pay per click traffic. This will help you refine your campaign and improve efficiency. It will help you weed out low traffic keywords and ineffective ads and bring up any other anomalies that are impeding the overall efficiency of your campaign.

These are just a few factors involved in the day to day creation, implementation and running of a targeted pay per click campaign. There's a lot to it and I would always recommend professional help but with enough learning the small business owner can run a small campaign both efficiently and effectively.

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Boost Your Business With PPC Management

With the advancement in Internet, most of the businesses shifted their base online to harness global trade. However, anything that is new needs promotion. A good marketing strategy will help your product or service boom. This is the reason people prefer to top charts in search engines. However, it is quite a tricky process. Business persons invest a lot of time researching about listing their websites on top charts. With the help of SEO techniques you can make your dream come true. One such efficient technique is PPC - Pay per Click. You will find various PPC management service provider firms prevailing online.

Pay per click or PPC management is one of SEO techniques executed by SEO firms to secure a better online presence for your website. Without any significant click through rate, your business will not achieve any success. PPC advertising is a powerful technique, which deliver you good results within a short span of time. Every company irrespective of a newbie or professional will find this advertising technique very helpful. Certain SEO methods may take months to deliver the desired results. But a newly launched company cannot wait for such a long time. It needs an initial boost to get started and get early customers. PPC management will provide you with what you desire, that too, instantly.

PPC management is a form of advertising whereby you advertise your site on a search engine. When a visitor searches with relevant search terms or keywords, your site gets listed as a paid list or sponsored links as in the case of Google. When your site gets clicked, you pay a particular amount - which is decided through a bidding system - to the search engine. As long as your site doesn't get clicked you don't have to pay anything to the search engine. It is thus affordable to many small companies. This is why PPC campaigns are really popular.

The process of all PPC advertising is best handled by PPC management services. These servicing companies rely on time-proven strategies rather than spending time on guess work. They manage the entire process right from setting up a PPC account to analyzing and managing the advertisement results. However, the keyword selection and management is the most significant service provided by a PPC management company. It selects an initial set of keywords for your advertising campaign and then researches their click through rates. Depending on the analyses, it then adds new keywords and deletes the ones that perform poorly. It keeps a constant watch on the nature of the visitors, and their demographics so as to better target your PPC ads.

Nowadays, everyone is interested in doing internet marketing for their business or website. Hence, hiring a PPC management service is not a loss. It is one of the best, easy and an instant way to gain publicity. It is considered to be the powerful and the most cost effective way to promote your website. Browse online and search for effective, reliable and reputed PPC management campaigns today.

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How To Create More Pay Per Click Traffic

A common problem that most internet marketers come across these days is how to increase their pay per click traffic. There are various reasons for this. An example would be that it is not as simple as following the process that will help you get started with PPC advertising. In this article, you will find useful information that can help you accomplish this task for the advantage of your business.

Coming up with a list of objectives you have plans of achieving will help you. Having a prepared list will allow you to focus on tasks that will help you get closer to your target each day, and will allow you at the same time to improve your visibility in the World Wide Web. Researching on your target market is the simplest way that will certainly be one of the factors why you want to achieve an increased traffic. It is a must that you find out the facts about your target market. Find out what they need, and what are the search terms they enter in search engines when searching for answers to their queries. Having the answers to these simple questions will be a great contribution to the success of your advertising campaign.

Now that you have an idea of your market, it will be easy for you to get an idea of the words that they make use of in order to reach your internet site. Come up with a list of these words in order for it to help provide a structure for your campaign. Making use of a keyword tool will also assist you in determining the number of searches that these words get on a month to month basis. This will also help you find out about the words that come at a minimal cost per click, but can provide you with plenty of searches in the internet on a daily basis.

Come up with a suitable advertisement by selecting the best terms in your keyword list. Ensure that your ad is short and has a clear sales message in order to interest your market. Make sure you have decided on the budget that you are willing to spend for your PPC marketing. Lastly, monitor your ads. This will help you analyse if your keywords are effective in increasing traffic. You will also see if they are costing you more money instead of helping you gain.

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ECommerce Tips - Optimizing the Checkout Process

More often than not, I see clients spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising every week, or committing vast resources to advertising and Branding budgets, while virtually ignoring the user experience of the checkout process. You're running an eCommerce site and your goal is to convert as many potential customers as possible! What good is an optimized PPC or advertising campaign, if you're losing customers through the purchase process? Checkout issues are the number loss leader for the majority of eCommerce sites. Technically speaking, we refer to this as "cart abandonment."

For the purposes of this discussion, we won't get too technical however. In my experience, most Small Business owners (and even a lot of the Big Brands) have yet to master the basics... so that's where we'll begin. Here's a couple tips to help you begin to analyze your eCommerce site's check out process.

1. Get an objective perspective. Chances are you've spent hundreds of hours creating, building, and optimizing your eCommerce site. You're too close to the problem. We've all had times where we are editing page content for example, and we review and re-read it dozens of times and each time miss the same type-o. Ask your friends, colleagues, family, even strangers, to go to your website and make a purchase, and report their feedback to you.

2. Make it easy to buy. Remember, your number one objective after a customer has decided to make a purchase, is to get their money as quickly as possible! The most beautiful product photography or site content means nothing if your customer can't easily find the "buy now" button. Pay attention to the flow and navigation of the check out process as well. We read left to right and top to bottom. For example, don't put a button to continue check out button on the left side of the page if the customer needs to fill out information on the right side of the page.

3. Don't distract the customer. Once they have chosen to make a purchase, don't distract the customer with blog posts, newsletter sign ups or other information. Your site's navigation should change as the check out process begins. You don't want the customer getting distracted and clicking on another link on the page after they've decided to make a purchase because chances are you've just lost the sale! Professional E Commerce Marketing Tips are valuable, but some good 'ole common sense goes a long way as well!

4. Instill confidence and trust. Especially if you're a Small Business or unknown Brand, you have to make extra certain that your customer knows you are a trusted eCommerce retailer. You're asking the customer to give you very sensitive information such as their email, home address, and credit card information. If at any time that customer gets the feeling that you're not legitimate or feels uncomfortable sharing that information with you, you've just lost the sale. Explain or at least inform your customer of each step they're taking to complete the purchase. If they've continue to step 3 or 4 of the checkout process and feel as if there's no end in sight, they may start to feel uneasy or decide they'll come back when they have more time. Guess what... they probably won't!

Optimizing your eCommerce site to maximize conversions doesn't have to be rocket science.  Make the shopping process easy and understandable for the customer and they'll likely reward you with a sale!  All the advertising in the world isn't going to result in more revenue if your checkout process isn't effective!

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The Art of Writing Ad Copies for Google AdWords

Online marketing is a tricky business. Where it boasts of simplicity, some can never pass to be that easy. Any marketing activity online requires one basic and important element - keywords. They are the secret to the efficient distribution of your ads or content or site. For online advertising, keywords are important in getting the ads right in the eyes of your potential customers. By using keywords either in the headline or the body of your ads, you already have an advantage over business rivals who don't give much attention to keywords.

The art of writing AdWords ads requires 5% skill and 95% common sense. The basic requirements on grammar, spelling and punctuation are pretty standard. Restrictions are imposed to ease the work a great deal in the long run:

25 characters for the headline Your ad headline should be unique and distinct to get the attention of the potential customers. People are already flooded with information so they just skim the web pages. If your ads do not have that attention-grabbing headline, the effort will be wasted in all likelihood because the user will not even stay long on your ad page.

35 characters per row / 4 rows per ad. One row is for the URL Short but concise descriptive text or phrases will always work wonders. People will know the message right away without the need for re-thinking what was just read. Lengthy block of text will tire the reader's eyes easily so it's always better to keep them short. Dedicate one row for the URL.

No pictures / no colors Your ads should stand on their own without pictures or images or colored texts but can get the users to imagine what was being advertised. Vivid descriptive words are the key.

Writing an Effective Ad Copy

When the issue on keyword has been resolved, you can proceed to give the same attention to the following:

Capitalize Domain names or URL. Long or short domain names are both too boring to read. Enhance the readability by using capital letters in the URL. You may capitalize the beginning of each word in the URL. This makes the URL stand out and easier to read as well.

Use numbers. To increase your targeted click-throughs, you may include prices or other numbers in your ad copy. Product prices, discounts, special promotional offers and delivery prices included in the ad will eliminate clickers who are not seriously interested in the product. Users who see these numbers and still click on the ads are most likely going to end up as potential customers.

Promote features and benefits. Talking to your target customers on the value and benefits the product will give them will increase their interest in the product or service being promoted. Creatively write about how the features of the products can give them the free time to go to the beach or something to that effect. You are not highlighting the features and benefits of the products but you are telling the users the benefits they (the consumers) will get out of the features of the promoted products.

Additional tips to ensure success rate with your online ads:

Your ads and their landing pages should have a strong connection in terms of content. This is important if you want to have good conversion rate. Use meaningful phrases or words that highlight the strong points of the promoted product or service. Redefine the target position if necessary. Use more productive keywords to avoid having mispositioned ads. Monitor your ads in terms of productivity and conversion rates. Test new ads and remove non-performing ads. Remember that the quality of your advertisement will make or break your ad campaign. A well-crafted ad will certainly have marked performance than poorly-written ads. Focus Areas of Successful Google AdWords Management   Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

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